The whole world is in a panic because of the Corona pandemic. The media playing a very important role in providing information and awareness about this coronavirus pandemic. But sometimes we do not fully understand the media messages. Because of that, we can be misunderstood and misled. At this point, we need media literacy. The ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages of media is called media literacy.

Understanding media literacy is very important for young people. Because now there are lots of fake news and misinformation about the corona pandemic. Young people should understand media literacy to critically about media messages, no matter how reliable their sources. They can identify fake news by understanding media literacy. There are also some other reasons to understand media literacy, such as become a smart consumer of products and information, recognize points of view, create media responsibly, identify the role of media in our culture, and understand the author's goal.

Infodemic refers to excessive amounts of information about a problem that makes such a solution more difficult. Overload of information has an effect on mental health. It causes mental stress and anxiety. In this pandemic, information Infodemic is normal.  Almost every media publishing news about COVID 19. Where ever we look, we can see news or information about the corona pandemic. In this situation, misinformation and rumors can easily mix with the real news.

Some online content can contain misinformation also known as "fake news". The goal of misinformation and fake news is to influence our views and behavior. Now there is a high prevalence of misinformation because of lack of awareness. Many health-related misinformation spread during this COVID 19 pandemic, such as corona is a common cold and flu, Vitamin D pills can help prevent coronavirus, some people claim that herbal treatments can help prevent coronavirus, etc. People have a trend to share fake news more than real news. They also believe those fake news and misinformation. Because sometimes fake news seems accurate because other similar information they have been seen or shared online. Another reason is that some of the fake news are similar to their own beliefs.

Fake news can be dangerous for us. Because of misinformation, we can be misled. If we want, we can easily deal with misinformation. By not sharing news that we do not believe. Some other best ways to tackle misinformation are question the source, find other sources of information, don't share any chain messages, talk to the sender, consider the intention of the message, speak with friends and family, and advice of parents. When we want to share any news, we should keep these things in mind.

Sometimes mainstream media cannot provide accurate information, that why the audience cannot compare fake news with real news. As a result, they spread misinformation.

Bangladeshi mainstream media try to present accurate information about the COVID-19. But sometimes they can provide full information about some topic, that’s why the audience losing their trust. Bangladeshi mainstream media are losing their audience because of the online platforms. Now people are more interested in social media than mainstream media.

Young people should understand media literacy to prevent the spread of fake news. For that, we have to promote media literacy among young people. Through media literacy campaigns, we can promote media literacy among young people in Bangladesh. Also, we can promote media literacy by adding media literacy topics to the educational curriculum.

In conclusion, we should be aware of sharing any news. After spotting that a news is real, we should share the news. We should also create awareness among people about spreading fake news.

This article is based on the following questions:

  • What do you understand by Media and Information Literacy? 
  • Why is it important for young people during this pandemic? 
  • Discuss the ideas of ‘Information overload’ and ‘Infodemic’ 
  • What are some of the health-related misinformation spread during the COVID 19 pandemic? 
  • Why there is a high prevalence of misinformation today?
  • Are the mainstream media presenting accurate information about the COVID-19 in Bangladesh? 
  • Is the failure of mainstream media that led to the spread of misinformation? How? 
  • Do you think the Bangladeshi mainstream media are losing their audience and trust? If so, why?
  • Why do people spread misinformation? 
  • Why people believe misinformation? 
  • What are the impacts of misinformation on the human mind and behavior? 
  • What are the impacts of misinformation on society? 
  • What is the best way to tackle misinformation? 
  • How media literacy among young people can be promoted in Bangladesh. 

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